9.30 am - 4.30 pm

  • 12 July 2024

One day Workshop

“National Service Scheme (NSS) and Women's Cell of our college in association with Kudumbasree District Mission organized a One day Workshop on "Gender Awareness and Sensitivity" in the college on 12 July 2024 from 1.30 to 3.30 p.m. Ms.Bushra S, Service Provider, Snehitha Gender Help Desk is the resource person for the programme. Snehitha is a 24 hours working gender help desk. It works to avail support and help to the shield less women in society. The main aim of the center is to provide help and support to those women and children who are in distress and provide voice for their issues and concerns, also to prevent, protect and prevail over domestic violence through advocacy, empowerment and social change.